Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekly Bible Reading

The Memory Verse for this week is: Philippians 2:5-7.

The Bible Reading for this week is: Acts 10-18.

Here are some questions for you to consider as you read:
  1. Acts 10. Why did Cornelius - a devout man who feared God and prayed - need to hear a message from Peter?
  2. Acts 11. What did God do to convince the Jews that the Gentiles should be accepted into the church as equals?
  3. Acts 12. List all the details about prayer you find in this chapter.
  4. Acts 13. What does Peter teach about Jesus to a Jewish crowd?
  5. Acts 14. What does Paul emphasize when he teaches Gentiles (non-Jewish people who would have little understanding and exposure to the Bible) about Jesus?
  6. Acts 15. What arguments were presented to convince the council the Gentiles should not be required to be circumcised?
  7. Acts 16. Did the Holy Spirit lead Paul when he was active or inactive? What does this imply about how we should seek God's leading?
  8. Acts 17. Make at least 3 observations about Paul's method of proclaiming the gospel.
  9. Acts 18. Apollos shared from the Scriptures (the Old Testament) that Jesus was the Christ. What Old Testament Scriptures would you use to do this?
You also may want to read and meditate on the Lord's Day 10 portion of the Heidelberg Catechism.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Mike

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