Friday, March 25, 2011

On Vacation

I'm on vacation until the end of the month.  Come back in April for new updates.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday Family Worship

Read Exodus 9:13-35 in preparation for worship tomorrow.
Identify the main themes and any questions you have.
Pray that God will use His word powerfully in the life of our church.
Sing: In Christ Alone

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Family Worship

Read Psalm 15.
Discuss what God requires of those who come into His presence.
Pray that God will make us holy.
Sing: In Christ Alone

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday Family Worship

Read Isaiah 6:1-7, Habakkuk 1:13.
Discuss what God's holiness means.
Pray that God will purify you that you might be separate from sin.
Sing: In Christ Alone

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday Family Worship

Read Genesis 3:16-17, Exodus 19:5-6.
Discuss what you learn about God.
Pray that God will make you obedient to His law.
Sing: In Christ Alone

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Family Worship

Read Genesis 1:28-30.
Discuss what this passage teaches about God.
Pray that God would show each member of your family how they can play apart in exercising dominion.
Sing: In Christ Alone

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Family Worship

Read Genesis 1:1, 26-27.
Discuss what you learn about God in this passage.
Thank God for the things He has created.
Sing: In Christ Alone

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekly Bible Reading

This week's memory verse is: Philippians 2:8-9.

This week's Bible Reading is: Acts 19-28.

Here are some things to consider as you read:
  1. Acts 19. What evidences of conversion do you see in Paul's ministry in Ephesus? Is there anything you need to give up as you follow Jesus?
  2. Acts 20. What was Paul like as a pastor? What did he do?
  3. Acts 21. What does Paul do to prove his "jewishness"? Why did he agree to this?
  4. Acts 22. What does Paul include in his testimony? What is your testimony?
  5. Acts 23. How did God protect Paul?
  6. Acts 24. What were the Jewish charges against Paul?
  7. Acts 25. What is Paul's consistent message before every audience?
  8. Acts 26. What job did Jesus give Paul? What promises did Jesus make?
  9. Acts 27. What encouragements did God give Paul on the way to Rome?
  10. Acts 28. What happened when Paul got to Rome?
Grace and peace,
Pastor Mike

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday Family Worship

Read and discuss the following verses.  You might want to go through the presentation at Two Ways to Live to prepare.
  • Revelation 4:11
  • Romans 3:10-12
  • Hebrews 9:27
  • 1 Peter 3:18
  • 1 Peter 1:3
  • John 3:36
Pray whatever seems appropriate - confession of belief, praise for God's grace, understanding of these truths, salvation for a friend or loved one, opportunity to share, etc.

Sing: Give Thanks

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Family Worship

Read John 3:1-8

Dad and Mom should share their testimony of how Jesus saved them.

Discuss what it means to be born again and how it happens.  Have Dad and Mom share their testimony of how Jesus gave them new birth.

Pray that God will use His Word this week to bring people to faith.

Sing: Give Thanks

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Family Worship

Read Acts 17:10-12.

Discuss how the Bereans are described.  What is the result of their attitude toward the Scriptures. What should we do when we listen to Christian messages or read Christian books?

Pray that God will increase your knowledge and discernment in Christ.  Pray that your family would love the Scriptures.

Sing: Give Thanks

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wedensday Family Worship

Read Acts 14:8-18.

Discuss what you learn about God.  Try to find at least three things.

Pray that God would be honored as the all powerful Creator.  Thank Him for His creation and care.

Sing: Give Thanks

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday Family Worship

Read Acts 12:1-6.

Discuss what we should do when we face danger or difficulties.

Pray that God would strengthen our brothers and sisters who are persecuted for their faith.

Sing: Give Thanks

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Family Worship

Read Acts 10:1-3.

Is Cornelius a Christian? Explain your answer.

Now read acts 10:24-27.

What did Cornelius need in order to be saved (get to heaven)? Discuss why knowing about God without a relationship with Jesus isn't enough for salvation.

Pray that God would spread the message of Jesus and give faith to all your family and friends.

Sing: Give Thanks

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekly Bible Reading

The Memory Verse for this week is: Philippians 2:5-7.

The Bible Reading for this week is: Acts 10-18.

Here are some questions for you to consider as you read:
  1. Acts 10. Why did Cornelius - a devout man who feared God and prayed - need to hear a message from Peter?
  2. Acts 11. What did God do to convince the Jews that the Gentiles should be accepted into the church as equals?
  3. Acts 12. List all the details about prayer you find in this chapter.
  4. Acts 13. What does Peter teach about Jesus to a Jewish crowd?
  5. Acts 14. What does Paul emphasize when he teaches Gentiles (non-Jewish people who would have little understanding and exposure to the Bible) about Jesus?
  6. Acts 15. What arguments were presented to convince the council the Gentiles should not be required to be circumcised?
  7. Acts 16. Did the Holy Spirit lead Paul when he was active or inactive? What does this imply about how we should seek God's leading?
  8. Acts 17. Make at least 3 observations about Paul's method of proclaiming the gospel.
  9. Acts 18. Apollos shared from the Scriptures (the Old Testament) that Jesus was the Christ. What Old Testament Scriptures would you use to do this?
You also may want to read and meditate on the Lord's Day 10 portion of the Heidelberg Catechism.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Mike

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday Family Worship

Today is the day to get ready to worship with God's people.

Read Exodus 8:20-9:12 in preparation for Sunday Worship. If you attend a church other than HVBC, read whatever your pastor will be preaching from.

Discuss the main themes of the passage. Dads, try to explain any unfamiliar terms or concepts so your children are ready to listen.

Pray that God would bless our Sunday Worship, give us understanding of His Word and a greater delight in His Son, Jesus.

Sing - Rejoice the Lord is King

Grace and peace,
Pastor Mike

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Family Worship

Read Acts 9:1-6.

Talk about the fact that people who hate Jesus sometimes hurt His followers. Point out that they are really persecuting Jesus. Also notice that when we are persecuted, Jesus suffers with us.

Pray for our brothers and sisters who are in jail or suffering because of their faith in Jesus.

Sing - Rejoice the Lord is King

Grace and peace
Pastor Mike

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Family Worship

Read Acts 8:26-40.

Talk about baptism. What is it, what does it mean, who should be baptized?

Pray that God will give you a clear conscience - cleansed by Jesus and obedient to His Word.

Sing - Rejoice the Lord is King

Grace and peace
Pastor Mike

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday Family Worship

Read Acts 5:1-11.

Talk about why God killed Ananias and Sapphira. How did the church react to this? Why is it important to tell the truth?

Pray that God will make you a truth-teller.

Sing - Rejoice the Lord is King

Grace and peace
Pastor Mike

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Them Are Fighting Words

Acts 4:11-12 makes an assertion that is highly offensive to modern Americans (and many other cultures as well).  The Bible says that Jesus is the only person who can save us; no one else can.  This means that anyone who does not hear about, believe in and treasure Jesus is not saved.  To put it more bluntly, without Jesus you will go to hell.

This raises two major issues for us to think about.  First, we need to be bold.  We need to be willing to stand up and proclaim this truth.  It is not loving to our Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, secular, or even "christianized" friend to let them think they are going to heaven when they care nothing about Jesus.  We must proclaim Him.  We must do it even when the people around us accuse us of being unloving and intolerant.

Second, we must do much more to spread the name and fame of Jesus. We must make it a priority to tell the people groups who have never heard of Jesus about Him.  We must make the sacrifices necessary for them to hear - otherwise, they will not be saved.  Will you pray for the unreached?  Will you give so that others may tell them about Jesus?  Will you go yourself?  These are all things we must think about and do if we believe this verse and we love our Lord and neighbor.

No matter what other people believe or think - we must proclaim Jesus.  But, please don't forget to do it with love!  We are not out to win an argument, take over a country, restore our dream of some perfect society.  We want our friends and neighbors to find salvation in Jesus. For them to do so, we must speak of Him in love.  Who are you going to talk to today?

Grace and peace,
Pastor Mike

Tuesday Family Worship

Read Acts 4:5-13.

Discuss the fact that Jesus is the only savior. Talk about what this means for people of other religions. Talk about what your family can do to make Jesus' name known.

Pray that God will use you this week to tell someone about Jesus. Pray for the advance of the gospel to unreached people groups.

Sing - Rejoice the Lord is King

Grace and peace,
Pastor Mike